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Мастер и Маргарита

Оно, с одной стороны, читаемо. Есть отличимые друг от друга персонажи, сюжет, конфликт. С другой - перегружено описаниями фантастических технологий авторского мира. Технологии при этом не то чтобы были близки к современным и таким образом давали пищу для размышлений о развитии науки - наоборот, сплошное: "У нас для разгона есть плазма. И два реактора — магнитный и антивещество".

Master and Margarita
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- Латыпов Н.Н., Инженерная эвристика

Михаил Булгаков Mikhail Bulgakov. Мастер и Маргарита The Master and Margarita Так кто ж ты, наконец? Never Talk with Strangers В час жаркого весеннего заката, на Патриарших прудах, появилось двое граждан.

Saturday 7 December , by Anton Chekhov. The story continues in ever-starker tones as the little fellow progressively discovers the meaning of the word and the thing itself. All of the actors in his travelling company visit him in turn, each with their own remedy for his ills, but Shtchiptsov has only one thought — to return to his home town a thousand miles away, to die there. A NIGHTMARE Кошмар A notable comes back to his country residence where he is disappointed by the uncouth manners and appearance of the young priest whom he had summoned to arrange for the creation of a school in the village. Eventually however he discovers the incredible poverty in which the priest and others of his diocese, such as the local doctor, are living.

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